Discover Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune Do is a non-classical, non-traditional Chinese-American martial art developed for actual street defense. At Pear Tree our focus is teaching real-world self defense techniques to help you defend yourself efficiently and effectively.

About Pear Tree Self Defense Center
Our school teaches the Original Jeet Kune Do developed by Bruce Lee and James Lee in Oakland, CA. We are the only JKD school in the state of Kansas with direct lineage to Bruce Lee.
Master Sifu Joe Hutchings is a Second Generation Student who has trained and been certified under First Generation Original JKD Student Professor Gary Dill and Second Generation JKD Concepts Students Sifu John Lopez and Sifu Joaquim Almeria.
Class Schedule

Jeet Kune Do
6:00 - 8:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays
10:00 am - 12:00 pm Saturdays
Our Instructors

Master Sifu Joe Hutchings
* 2nd Generation Full Instructor Original Oakland JKD (Prof. Gary Dill)
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Los Angeles Concepts JKD (Sifu Lopez)
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Los Angeles Concepts JKD (Sifu Almiera)
* 5th Degree Black Sash - Original JKD
* 1st Degree Black Sash - Concepts JKD - Lopez
* 1st Degree Black Sash - Concepts JKD - Almeiera
*2nd Level Instructor - Wing Chun
(Sifu Sam Chan)

Sifu Paris Loyle
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do (Sifu Hutchings)
* 2nd Degree Black Sash - JKD
(Sifu Joe Hutchings)

Sifu Michael Holman
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do (Sifu Hutchings)
* 3rd Degree Black Sash - JKD
(Sifu Joe Hutchings)
*2nd Level Wing Chun Instructor
(Sifu Sam Chan)
*3rd Degree Black Belt - TKD
(Rex Willems)

Sifu Trey Lasseter
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do (Sifu Hutchings)
* 3rd Degree Black Sash - JKD
(Sifu Joe Hutchings)
* Kirigami in Shinkan-ryu Kenpo

Simu Alicen Fleming
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do (Sifu Hutchings)
* 1st Degree Black Sash - JKD
(Sifu Joe Hutchings)

Sifu ShaRod Caesar
* 3rd Generation Full Instructor Jeet Kune Do (Sifu Hutchings)
* 1st Degree Black Sash - JKD
(Sifu Joe Hutchings)

Class training, free sparring

Attack by Combination